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Dive Into The Full Breakdown Of A Bass House Track

Bass House Breakdown Video

Learn the workflow and techniques that go into making a Bass House track  from start to finish.

Thomas Anthony has released music on labels such as Confession, Dim Mak, Mix Feed, Suitor, Gold Digger, & Brooklyn Fire. His music achieved 7 consecutive Beatport #1 Singles & Releases and been streamed over 5 Million across all platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, etc.). 


In this video, he shows you the exact elements to compose a powerful and memorable Bass House Drop in Ableton.

Thomas Anthony
Thomas Anthony
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Signed Major Record Deals

5 Million Music Streams

Toured Around The World

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Why did we make this video?


We know there’s lots of confusing and contradicting information on the internet, so we pride ourselves on making all our free content top quality, and better than most paid programs. 


Finish Better Music (FBM) was created by producers whose focus is not just on creating amazing music. Instead, it’s our goal to help up-and-coming producers Finish Better Music. 


Apply the process we show on this video to your own productions. If you need further help with making your song more interesting, mixing, or mastering, consider applying to our Music Mentoring Program.

Start Finishing High Quality Music, Fast!

Have A Listen To Our Student's Music

After joining our mentoring program

Check Out Some Of The Music From Our Instructors

Thomas Anthony & MonkeyTwerk (Frank Olaya)

Our Results Speak For Themselves

Here's What Our Former Students Have To Say:


Omed Saeid

“I’ve taken so many production courses before, but nothing compares to the feedback and interaction I received from this program.”


Jaka Kralj

“And this was one of the best things I’ve spend my money on in my entire life. It changed everything for me.”

Jay Jay.jpg

Jay Mullin

“This helped me go more in-depth, especially in my mix downs. Now my mixes are 100 times better.”


Brian Correll

“I now have the confidence to finish tracks, and not feel scared that they won’t match up to the tracks that I’m hearing on Spotify and iTunes from artists who are industry professionals.”


Nick De Grace

“Taking this mentoring program was a major factor in getting my music to a caliber that go me signed to Monstercat.” 


Adam Sangster

“I was so lost before. I couldn’t make my songs sound good. Now I have too many ideas and they all sound amazing.”


Sam Rahmatalla

“I can’t believe how much better my songwriting is, and how professional my mixes are now.”


Mert Mavis

“I can safely say that since the program, I’ve created my best track that I’m super proud of.”


John McIsaac

“My music now pops off in the club, and anywhere I play it.” 


Dylan Mac

“I learned exactly what I was looking for when I signed up for the program.”


Brett Murdock

“It’s a great feeling to be able to know now how to make a track from start to finish, and be confident that it will sound professional.”


Edwin Bona

“I learned so much in 8 weeks! It’s crazy how detailed the mentoring program is.”


Erian Hecke

“Everything I know now, I could have known in a fraction of the time. 


Patrick Cunningham

“They took me from making regular, unfinished music to creating the best song I’ve ever made. And it sounds powerful on every system I play it on.” 

Finish Better Music Now

Now Is The Time To Become The Artist You Want To Be

You can learn everything you want about compressors, EQ’s and other effects,

but if you don’t know how to write an interesting song from start to finish, and follow a mixing and mastering process to make it sound tight, your music will never be as great as it sounds in your head.


Get on the "Fast Track" to professional sound and schedule a strategy session today. Stop wasting time repeating the same mistakes without results, and start feeling proud of your music and confident in your mixing.

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Book a free strategy session now!

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